What are Indoor Rowing Machines and What are Their Health Benefits

An indoor rowing machines or rower is a machine used to simulate the motion of a boat in the water. Rowing machines are also known as ergometers because they are used to measure the amount of work that is done by the user. With rowing machines the workout can be customized to meet the individual’s goals. This article will look at some of the features of an indoor rower. It will give you an idea of the benefits that they can offer.
The price of an indoor rower varies based on its features and manufacturer. Most rowing machines will come with a battery operated LCD monitor and can be folded easily to be stored in a closet. However, there are a few types that require you to plug them into a wall or connect to a power outlet. It is important to understand the differences between these two options. Here are some of the features of each type of machine. If you’re unsure of what you need from your rower, consider reading a few of our reviews here to see what people are saying.
Unlike traditional exercise equipment, indoor rowers workout both upper and lower body at the same time requiring power from the rower for most body areas during the workout. This is why rowing machines are favored for great cardio workouts with the added benefit of also saving you time training with other equipment. You gain a full body workout on one piece of training apparatus. You’ll also need the same technique and endurance to perform the motion. The smooth action of an indoor rower will engage your entire body and strengthen your back and arms. These benefits are found on both the upper and lower half of your body. This is why these machines are such a great investment. So, why pay more when you can get the same workout for less money and less investment on other workout machines?
Indoor Rowers Health Benefits
An indoor rowing machine provides a variety of health benefits. Aside from providing an overall cardio workout, these indoor rowing machines allow you to use your joints through their full range of motion, thereby aiding joint mobility, lubrication, and overall joint health. The smooth, flowing motion of rowing is especially beneficial for those with joint issues because it involves minimal impact on joints. If you are looking for an exercise that will improve your strength and stamina, an indoor rowing machine can be the answer to your problem.
The Different Types of Rowing Machines
There are 4 main types of indoor rowing machines:
- Hydraulic rowing machines
- Air rowing machines
- Magnetic rowing machines
- Water rowing machines
Rowing Machines Which Type Should You Buy
Hydraulic Rowers
The most affordable are the hydraulic rowing machines which suit beginner rowers, and are the most affordable rowing machines available.
Air Rowers
Air rowing machines are the one of the original designs of indoor rowing machines that were developed. These mimic the action of outdoor rowing without the water. Air rowers use a fan blade assembly and when you row you cause the fan blade to turn and the resistance that you feel instead of the oars on water as in a normal rowing boat is the blades pulling against air in the fan assembly.
The air resistance of an air rowing machine gives a smoother stroke than a hydraulic machine. Air rowers are what you will see most often in gyms and health or fitness centers around the world, as they are a reliable and sturdy design. They are preferred by serious rowers and athletes as they give good rowing feedback and you can work them hard when used indoors.
The disadvantage of air rowers is they tend to be noisy when used in a home gym because of the air whooshing sound they make with the air rushing through the fan blade housing. They can also be some of the more expensive styles of rowing machine.
Water Rowers
Another type of rower which uses similar bladed action as an air rowing machine is the water rowing machine. These machines instead of their blades resistance pushing against air use blades resistance pushing against water. These water rowers have the benefit of being quieter in operation than the air rowing machines
Magnetic Rowers
The last type of rowing machine is the magnetic rowing machines. These rowers utilize magnetic resistance and are very popular as indoor rowers for home owners as they are quiet in operation and give a good rowing feedback.
Rowing for Cardio Health Benefits
Indoor rowing machines, when used regularly will also improve your cardio health. If you are considering one for your home it is a great and convenient way to exercise and save time.
A rowing machine is the perfect option for anyone who is interested in developing their cardiovascular fitness and building a healthy heart. It is easy to use, low-impact, and can be used by anyone. Regardless of age, it is safe and accessible for most people. Whether you want to build a strong, healthy heart, or enhance your stamina and fitness, an indoor rowing machine will help you achieve your goal. A few basic tips will make this exercise a great addition to your home gym.
When choosing an indoor rowing machine, consider the features you need. If you’re primarily interested in improving your cardiovascular health, any of the types can be a good choice. The more advanced machines will provide a more natural feeling to your rowing exercise.
In addition to the resistance of water, a rowing machine can also use different types of resistance. Air, water, hydraulic, and magnetic resistances can all be used to increase the intensity of the workout. You can adjust the tension of your workout with the resistance on most of the rowing machines machine but if you are considering pushing yourself when rowing choose the models with the most resistance levels.
A hydraulic rowing machine is more affordable than the more advanced air, water or magnetic types. If space and budget are concerned, selecting a foldable rowing machine will be best for you. Moreover, it will save you space. A compact machine can fit in any space.
A rower is a great way to get an effective cardiovascular workout. It’s low-impact, and you’ll benefit from the low-impact motion and resistance of rowing. Air, magnetic and water rowers will provide a more water-like rowing feel, while hydraulic models less so.
In addition to the ergonomic benefits, rowing machines are also easy to set up in the home for use and most of them can be moved around with the use of transport wheels. Installation services are also available for the heavier and more advanced machines if you require it.
Aside from the basic health functions, a rower can be a powerful training device. If you’re serious about improving your cardiovascular health, the concept of an effective at home workout with an indoor rowing machine is worth considering.